Friday 13 March 2009

Part-time Perks

Much as I enjoy Besom and playgroup, some days I would love to have a normal 9 to 5 job. Other days I appreciate the extra time I get to be home - at the moment I don't work on Wednesdays or on Friday afternoons, which allows me time to do the housework, laundry and shopping. I like being a part-time housewife and it makes our lives easier in many ways. T and I don't have to squeeze the chores into our evenings and weekends. We don't have to iron work clothes late on Sunday night - or spend Saturday morning trundling round Tescos. One of my favourite "perks" of part-time work is the time to cook - the house filling with the smell of warm bread, cookies or cakes is one of the things that makes it feel like home.

This week I tried a new recipe - Cinnamon, Apple and Pecan Cake, and here are the results. I'd recommend this recipe - it was really easy and is great with a cup of tea while you're reading some blogs.


  1. I can understand your sentiments on both sides of the part-time work issue. Right after graduation, I didn't totally mind being unemployed. It was kind of nice to be able to get all of my errands done and relax...but that quickly got old. On the other hand, now that I commute an hour to work and work full time, I feel like I never have time for anything. Maybe part-time is a happy medium?

  2. That cake was SO good!
    roy xx


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