Friday, 12 June 2009

Looking Forward

Since my last post it feels like there are a lot of opportunities. In the next few weeks I'm going to be pushing on [kicking on?] a lot of doors. You never know which one will open next.

I love June. It is the first really summery month and in our family it's always been a birthday filled month - my youngest sister will be fifteen on Sunday, and my middling sister will be seventeen on the 23rd. And then I will be twenty-two on the 27th! This means shopping for presents, cake and a very fun weekend with my family coming up.

And in June we'll be seeing T's side of the family and visiting some friends. Our strawberry plant is flowering which means I'm hoping for some (maybe three) homegrown strawberries. It's going to be a good month.

What are you looking forward to in the next few weeks?


  1. Well, remembering your birthday will be a good start for me...

  2. You and T coming over, our birthdays, end of exams...Summer!

  3. Beautiful Intellectual - that would be nice...we've only known each other four years now. :P
    Roy - me too, me too!


Thanks for reading! What are you thinking?


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