Wednesday 30 September 2009

Goodbye September

Wow. Tomorrow is October. September went by really quickly, I didn't really notice that happening. That means a month until we start doing Christmas hampers at Besom. A month until our next wedding season starts. Three months until next year. Let's not even think about that one.

So - one month into the Autumn's a recap and an update:

1) Add all my favourite summer photos to the digital photo frame. This one is done, and I love seeing them interspersed with the wedding, graduation and birthdays of last year.

2) Take a photo every day of September and post it here. I'm not nearly disciplined enough to do Project365 but I might just manage a month. Well I missed some days (mainly due to unprecedented levels of illness) but September is almost over and I will post a photo collage on Friday. I'm quite pleased with some of the photos but it was harder than I thought it would be.

Day 29:

Day 30:

3) Make something new in the bread maker machine. Oops. I'm pretty sure I haven't done this.

4) Sew these pretty new buttons onto my winter coat.
I definitely haven't done this although I did get the coat dry cleaned in preparation.

5) Finish the wedding scrapbook. Start honeymoon ones or put the photos in an album at least. Again, not nearly done - I don't think I even got out the scrapbook this month. I got distracted with our anniversary weekend book.

6) Send surprise post to three people. Nope, this one is hidden away in my craft drawer.

7) An arty project that I have in my head. It may fall at the first post when I remember that I am not good at painting. We'll see. I got further than I thought I would with this. It's not quite finished but it has progressed.

I'm also adding another goal - number 8) A redesign of my little site. T started helping me the other night so hopefully this one shouldn't take too much longer.

We finished watching Season 4 of Lost this week and I am still loving that ending. Can't wait until the next season comes out - the first time I have ever pre-ordered anything on Amazon. Our home group has moved to Wednesday night as of this evening, and this weekend we have a visit to my parents and sisters planned. Good times.


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