Monday, 11 January 2010

I Can

Last September I set myself a few goals, one of which was to start (and finish) a painting I'd had in my mind for a while. I love making and creating things but I'm not very good at finishing them - often they get put aside when life gets too busy, or another projects captures my imagination. Which is why it's taken me four months to finish a painting that admittedly is not complicated or very detailed. But this week I did finish it, and here it is:

These are some of the "work in progress" shots:

My main creative outlets are photography, cooking and collage-type books and cards. I wouldn't class myself as artistic - I definitely know my limits when it comes to drawing and painting skill. But last autumn I wanted to try to push those limits a little, and to not be afraid to try things I think I'm bad at. And I was pleased (four months later) when I did finally finish this project. So this year, I'm going to try to push my self-identified limits a little more, in all areas of life. And we'll see what happens.

Do you have areas of your life you impose restrictions on by saying "I can't"? Or have you said "I can" to something and surprised yourself?


  1. I'm also guilty of setting things aside because something else has "captured my imagination". Good for you for tackling your painting. That's a medium that I've never felt too secure about.

    Here's to a creative year!

  2. I don't allow myself to think in terms of "I can't", I was a non-finisher as a child, one conversation I had at the age of 12 jarred me into place and since then, no problem. Your work is beautiful and glad you are commited to it. Well done.

  3. I LOVE it! I'm so glad you shared it!

  4. Oooh I like the painting! Really fun!

    Ummm... I always think I can't take pictures as nice as other people (like you). But I can't compare myself to other people.

  5. That's beautiful! What a great idea! I've been trying out new things too, and decided that I want to just give them a go, even if I'm not amazing at them! It's been really great to just get stuck in and enjoy the creative process, even if the product isn't amazing! Keep it up!

  6. I'm really impressed by your painting, especially as I regard myself as someone who 'can't' paint. I will have to give it a go sometime...

  7. woo canvassy!!! well done Nao! :)
    You're so positive about doing things! why hasnt that rubbed off on me the last 8 or so years?! we been friendies a long time :D hehe! Xx

  8. I am trying very hard to have an "I Can" year. We shall see...

  9. Wow, is this for sale? I really love it.

    There's been a lot of things I have said to myself I can't do, but then there is always a voice in the back of my head saying 'Well what has that person (who can do it) got that you don't? You've got 2 arms and 2 legs just like they do. So go do it.'

    Anyhow, thanks for commenting on Mad Cake. I love your blog, and I'll be checking back!

  10. I love your painting! Congratulations om finishing it! This post totally resonates with me - the whole starting things and not finishing them thing - and I really want that to change this year too. It's funny isn't it, how you can know how much you love the creative process in making something, yet even though you love it, things still manage to get in the way of completion. I look forward to seeing more of your creativity on your lovely blog!

  11. Beautiful painting, it has an up-lifiting, fun mood! I too have had urges to toe into more artistic areas...just to see what I am inspired to try! One of these areas in my life has been poetry. It's daunting to claim I write some occasionally because I have such a high respect for true writers. It's more for my rambling mind than anyone else's. I enjoy it. ^_^

  12. i like it a lot - so simple & beautiful! & i completely understand about not finishing projects, & getting caught up with other projects & stuff. that is my pitfall when it comes to my artsy side. i have projects that i started years ago, & never finished! sad, but true. but isn't it the best feeling in the world when you finish something, & you're proud of it? :)


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